The Uncompromising Life

Sermons Daniel 1 80-136 Jan 1, 1995

Uncompromising Life, Daniel


Daniel's Uncompromising Life

Daniel's story in the Bible serves as an example of an uncompromising life in a world where many will sell out their convictions for personal gain. People often compromise their beliefs for various reasons, such as fear or gain. Daniel's story provides examples of both individuals who compromised and those who did not.

Pressure to Compromise

Four young Jewish men were taken to a foreign land and had their names changed, were educated, and had their lifestyle altered to fit into the new culture. While they accepted the first two changes, they refused to change their lifestyle as it would have gone against their beliefs and the laws of God. The importance of dietary laws and social events in ancient times, as well as the pressure placed on Daniel and his refusal to eat the king's food and drink are discussed.

Uncompromising Character

Daniel displays a boldness and uncompromising character in his refusal to eat the king's food, citing it as defiling to his beliefs. Despite the potential consequences, he does not fear man, and remains committed to his faith. Wine was consumed in ancient Israel for various reasons, including as a purifier for water due to lack of sanitation. There were appropriate times to drink wine, but it was cautioned against for leaders and some chose abstinence. Daniel chose water over wine to be distinguished from drunkenness.

Fixing Oneself to Unchanging Absolutes

The importance of fixing oneself to unchanging absolutes is highlighted in Daniel's story. He provides an example of living an uncompromising life and anchoring oneself to the rock of confidence even in the midst of stormy circumstances. His character serves as a reminder that when faced with pressure or fear, one should remain firm in their convictions and stand up for what they believe in.

The Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol can have a negative effect on people’s health and it can lead to addiction. It is important to be aware of the risks of alcohol and to always make sure to remain uncompromising when it comes to one’s values.

The Example of Daniel

The example of Daniel in the Bible serves as a reminder of the importance of standing uncompromisingly for God’s truth. Daniel and his friends were able to show their commitment to God by refusing the king’s food and choosing only vegetables and water for 10 days. In the end, God rewarded them with His protection and favor.

David's Reflection

David, a powerful and influential king, reflects on his failure to trust in God and the importance of standing uncompromisingly for His truth after he had pretended to be insane in order to save his life in Philistia. His story serves as a reminder that depending on God’s protection instead of manipulating or compromising will lead to reward.

The Four Jewish Youths

The story of the four Jewish youths is also an example of uncompromising faith. They were able to resist assimilation into the Chaldean lifestyle in Babylon and were rewarded with divine wisdom from God. Their story serves as an example for those seeking positions of prominence without losing their faith.

A Prayer for Being Loyal to the Truth

The context includes a prayer for being loyal to the truth and being lifted up to tasks that bring glory to God. It is a reminder that by living an uncompromising life, one will be rewarded with favor and protection from God, just like Daniel and his friends.


Living an Uncompromising Life

  • In Daniel 1, we learn about the importance of living an uncompromising life in a world where compromise is common.

  • The idea that every man has his price is often used to describe how people will abandon their beliefs for personal gain.

  • However, as believers, we are called to be unyielding in our convictions and hold steadfast to divine standards.

  • Historical examples of those who refused to compromise include Martin Luther, Latimer and Ridley, Dr. Hong, and the Covenanters.

  • These individuals paid immense prices to stand their ground and remain committed to their beliefs.

The Dangers of Compromise

  • Many people speak of their moral standards, yet compromise for personal gain.

  • Adam, Abraham, Sarah, Esau, Saul, Aaron, and Samson all compromised and lost important things.

  • Israel, David, Solomon, Ahab, Peter, Ananias, Sapphira, and Judas all compromised and suffered consequences.

  • Some individuals, like Moses, David, and Paul, did not compromise.

  • Daniel provides an excellent example of living without compromise.

The Uncompromising Life of Daniel

  • A naturalist wrote about marine plants that grow from 150 to 200 feet and resist the fierce smitings of breakers by reaching down and fixing their grasp to the rocks beneath the sand.

  • Living an uncompromising life means fixing oneself to the rock below the shifting sands of culture. Daniel's soul was anchored on the rock while he was in Babylon, a pagan society in every sense which had desecrated the true God.

  • Daniel was unshakable and indestructible amidst the storms of captivity and Chaldean efforts to brainwash him, anchored to the rock of confidence because he was unwilling to compromise the absolutes he believed were the law of God.

  • The Babylonians had taken the Jews captive and needed to control them. They determined to get some of their own leaders to do this.

The Captivity and Re-Education of Daniel and His Friends

  • Young Jews were taken into captivity by the Babylonians to train them to lead their own people.

  • The Babylonians sought physically attractive and intellectually gifted young men to develop into leaders.

  • Among the captives were Daniel and his three friends, whose Jewish names were changed to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

  • The new names incorporated the names of Babylonian deities, indicative of a desire to strip them of their Jewish heritage.

  • The Babylonians sought to change the Jewish beliefs of the young men through Chaldean education.

  • The young men were selected for their intelligence, wisdom, understanding, and ability to lead in the king's court.

The Importance of Maintaining a Godly Lifestyle

  • The Chaldeans trained gifted young men to acculturate them to a new culture

  • They changed the young men's names and put them through an educational process

  • The third thing they did was change their lifestyle by giving them daily rations of the king's food and drink

  • The four young men accepted the name change and education, but refused to change their lifestyle

  • They knew what they believed and were firmly fixed on God's Word

  • Giving in to the lifestyle of the Chaldeans would've flatly denied the Word of God and their identity as covenant people

  • The king's food was offered to idols before it was offered to be eaten

The Importance of Dietary Laws in Ancient Times

  • Eating and drinking was the major social event in ancient times, but the lavishness and wildness that went with such events were against the purity that the Word of God demanded.

  • The Jewish dietary laws were not primarily for health reasons. They were for separation reasons to keep Jews from the influence of pagan idolatrous society.

  • The fact that Jews couldn't engage in social events where food was consumed was one way God intended to keep them from the influence of pagan society.

  • In Daniel 1:8, we see that Daniel resolutely refused to defile himself with the King's food or wine, which would have led him to materialism and self-indulgence beyond what would have honored God.

  • Daniel's stand was even more remarkable because he was only 14 or 15 years old.

The Boldness of Daniel

  • Daniel, at a young age, was under tremendous pressure and separated from personal accountability.

  • Despite inducements, education, bribes, and pressures, Daniel stood firm on the Word of God.

  • Daniel and his friends learned the language and education of the Chaldean people but refused to adopt their lifestyle.

  • The most corrupting influence in a society is its lifestyle, and adjusting to it can lead to brainwashing.

  • Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself with the king’s choice food or wine, rejecting the lifestyle influence.

  • The first thing that stands out about Daniel is his unashamed boldness.

The Boldness of Daniel

  • A man was assigned to take care of young men for an important three-year educational project.

  • The king ordered Ashpenaz, a high-ranking official, to bring in sons of Israel with no defects, including royals and nobles.

  • The young men were to enter into the king's personal service.

  • Ashpenaz assigned them new names.

  • Daniel displayed boldness when he refused to eat the king's food as it would defile him spiritually.

  • Daniel must have explained his conviction to Ashpenaz, indicating he was not ashamed of his God or faith.

  • Daniel's commitment was not hindered by the fear of man, even knowing disobedience could mean death.

  • Daniel's uncompromising character came with unabashed boldness without waffling or giving secondary reasons.

The Uncompromising Character of Daniel

  • Daniel had fearless courage that knew no shame and spoke the truth before those in power.

  • He lived by an uncommon standard, exceeding the norm and setting himself apart. He didn't defile himself with the king's food or wine, choosing vegetables and water instead.

  • Uncompromising people like Daniel set the pace and pattern for others to follow. They live on the highest plain, choosing the best over the good. Their commitment to prayer and the Word is deeper and more faithful than the rest.

  • It's possible that Daniel took a Nazarite vow, which is a vow of complete abstinence.

  • Daniel's ministry was a cut above the rest because of his uncompromising character and his commitment to a higher level of devotion.

Wine in Ancient Times

  • Mixed wine, called yayin in Israel, was diluted with water and commonly drank.

  • Unmixed wine was associated with drunkenness and paganism.

  • Wine was often drank in ancient times because of its availability.

  • The fermentation process acted as a purifier to water that contained bacteria.

  • Appropriate uses of mixed wine included drink offerings in worship and as a symbol of spiritual blessing.

  • Misuse or unmixed wine had potential for evil.

  • Some voluntarily chose to abstain from wine, such as kings and priests, and those who took the Nazarite vow.

  • Timothy lived at a high level of spiritual devotion and was instructed to take a little wine for his ailments.

  • Daniel wanted to be distinguished from gluttons and drunkards by only drinking water.

The Power of Drink and the Benefits of Uncompromising Life

  • Famous historical figures lost battles, empires, and lives due to drunkenness.

  • The Iron Duke blew up Spanish wine so his army would not succumb to its power.

  • France's defeat in WWII was partially attributed to the alcohol-fueled collapse of its army.

  • Uncompromising commitment leads to unashamed boldness and an uncommon standard.

  • An uncompromising life brings an unearthly protection through God's favor and compassion.

  • Taking a stand for what is right often earns admiration and favor from God, even from unbelievers.

  • David took a strong stand but trusted God's protection while hiding in the cave of Adullam.

Lessons from David's life

  • David had tremendous power and influence as the greatest king in the world.

  • In the cave of Adullam, David was sulking due to fear for his life.

  • In Philistia, David pretended to be a maniac to save his life and was disrespectful by drooling in his beard.

  • David realized that he failed to trust in God and denigrated his dignity by pretending to be a maniac.

  • When we stand uncompromisingly for God's truth, He takes up our defense and brings us under divine protection.

  • Proverb 16:7 states that when a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

  • Don't ever compromise to gain something with men and lose something with God. Be true to God; He controls men.

  • David, Joseph, and Daniel had similar endowments from God and rose to high positions through their prophetic powers.

The Persistence of Daniel

  • Daniel and Joseph were spared and elevated by God's protection in Babylon and Egypt.

  • Daniel's life portrays what God does for the faithful who give Him favor.

  • The commander of the officials tells Daniel he is afraid for his life because the king is in charge of the operation and could see them looking gaunt and pale.

  • While the commander has admiration and compassion for Daniel and his friends, he is also concerned for his own existence.

  • Daniel exhibits unhindered persistence, asking the overseer appointed by Ashpenaz to please consider their request despite the potential consequences.

  • Daniel's persistence is not an ugly obstinacy, cantankerous spirit, or rebellion, but a steadfast commitment to his beliefs.

  • The Character of Daniel and the Principle of Uncompromising Faith

  • Daniel's persistence is a reflection of his unwavering character.

  • Daniel approaches a lesser authority to strike a deal that would allow him to adhere to his convictions as he begins the three-year program.

  • Daniel embodies an uncompromising life, unashamed boldness, uncommon standard, unearthly protection, and unhindered persistence.

  • Daniel and his companions request to eat vegetables in accordance with the Old Testament dietary laws.

  • Daniel believes that his obedience to God will be rewarded through faith, and his actions reflect his unwavering conviction.

The Importance of Purity in Faith

  • Daniel's position of faith was due to his pure heart and his confidence in God's protection.

  • A pure heart can give confidence and boldness in any trial.

  • Daniel risked the test because he believed God would honor his purity.

  • The Hebrew word for vegetables means "common food," and this was considered food for the poor.

  • All commitment will be tested, and the youths were tested with an unusual test.

  • At the end of the 10 days, the youths were healthier and stronger due to God's direct intervention, not the vegetables.

The Benefits of Uncompromising Living

  • In Daniel Chapter 1, Daniel and his friends refused to conform to the Chaldean lifestyle, and instead ate vegetables.

  • Uncompromising living led to an unashamed boldness, uncommon standard, unearthly protection, unhindered persistence, unblemished faith, and unusual test.

  • God blessed the four youths with knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom, even giving Daniel the ability to understand visions and dreams.

  • Uncompromising living is the only path to knowledge and true biblical wisdom.

  • The blessings of uncompromising living prepared Daniel for the prophecies that unfold in the book, leading to tremendous blessings.

  • After three years, they were presented to Nebuchadnezzar for evaluation by the king and his assistants.

The Importance of an Uncompromising Life

  • The elite stood before the king during graduation time.

  • Daniel and his friends were blessed with wisdom and privilege in a pagan culture.

  • Their uncompromising lives led them to a privileged position in society, without having to compromise.

  • God gave them wisdom for every matter, making them ten times better than the magicians and conjurers in the realm.

  • Politicians achieve positions through compromise, but God lifts up the uncompromising.

  • Daniel had unlimited influence for seventy years, negotiating the release of captives and playing a key role in their return to their land.

  • An uncompromising godliness and divine purpose are essential for Christians to attain positions of prominence, instead of compromise.

The Importance of an Uncompromising Life

  • An uncompromising life with unashamed boldness calls us to an uncommon standard that depends on an unearthly protection.

  • The standard is built on an unblemished faith that can face unusual testing with unhindered persistence.

  • The result of living an uncompromising life is immeasurable blessing and unlimited influence.

  • Determine not to compromise and leave the results to God.

  • God will give you the highest place of His holy purpose for your life for not compromising.

  • Daniel is a model of a man who had no price and could not be bought.

  • Even in the lion's den and fiery furnace, he did not compromise.

  • Beware of the influences of culture and educational institutions.

  • Live an uncompromising life, faithful to the truth and God, and may God lift us up to whatever duty and task brings Him glory.